For More Great Books to Read?
are one thing my children never seem to get enough of and I am always on the
look out for more things to read. Below are links to some lists I have found
very helpful.
Picture Books Everyone Should Know The
Schoon List of Excellent Picture Books Newbery Medal Award Book List 1922 -Present Caldecott Medal Award Book List 1938 - Present Historical Fiction -- listed by age, country, and era!
get to a library but still need more to read? Check out the following sights.
Ambelside is actually a curriculum (that I do not use) but in their book lists
section, has links to books you can read free online. This has lead me to find
many more free books to read online as well.
Looking for some great books about music or art? Check out links above to find even more great books.
Bear Press
has some great alphabet books for each state,
the world and more. Check them out to find one for your state.
some of you know, I am an Usborne Book Consultant. I joined just for
the discount on all their great books -- some of them are included with the
Sonlight Curriculum. This is how I first discovered them. Now that I get the
discount, my sweet hubby says why not try and sell them too that way you can
make a little to buy some more books. So I figured why not!! Above is a link
to my favorite
and information about various books including some of the
Sonlight titles. If you want to purchase anything, just let me know and I
would be more than happy to help. Purchasing books from me is one way that
you can help keep this site up and running.
I asked some friends of mine recently to share their favorite books with me. Under the Core headings you will find lists to even more great books. Enjoy!!
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