As many of you know, I love critical thinking books. I am quite sure that by the time the boys graduate from high school, I will own or had every single book in the Bright Minds Catalog. Although, the keep coming out with new products all the time..... So maybe not quite all of them. They're maybe some new ones out for little guys by then but I could always start stocking up for the grandkids. LOL!! With that said, grab a Bright minds catalog, close your eyes, open a page, and point to any item... yep! I recommend it. : -) I may not have it yet but its on my list and I probably know at least 5 people who would also recommend it. As I said before, I think critical thinking should be done daily just like math and LA. I was thinking about listing all the critical thinking resources I use by series but there are just too many. If you go to the Grade/Core level pages ... you will see what I used and when. HAPPY THINKING!!!
Books for PK Can You Find Me? PK Building Thinking Skills Primary Visual Perception Skill Building Book 1 Mind Benders Beginnings Book 1 Thinker Doodles: Clues and Choose Beginning Dr. DooRiddles A1 Developing the Early Learner Beginning Mathematical Reasoning Books for K Can You Find Me? K Visual Perception Skill Building Book 2 Thinker Doodles Clues and Choose A1 Thinker Doodles Half and Half Animals A1 Dr. DooRiddles A2 Mind Benders Beginning Book 2 Memory Challenge CD-ROM Mind Building Reading Mind Building Math Other CT Items: Rush Hour Junior Books for 1 Building Thinking Skills 1 Dr. DooRiddles A3 Mind Benders Warm Up Revenge of the Riddle Spiders A1 Thinker Doodles Half and Half Animals B1 Dale Seymour Critical Thinking K-3 Other CT Items: Zome Pyramid Rush Hour Books for 2 Dr. Funsters Think-A-Minutes A1 and A2 Mind Benders A1 and A2 Punctuation Puzzler: Commas and More A1 Punctuation Puzzler: Run-ons A1 Language Smarts A1 Scratch Your Brain A1 Dr. Funsters Quick Thinks Math A1 Dr. Funsters Word Benders A1 Other CT Items: Blokus Chess Books for 3 Mind Benders A3 and A4 Organized Thinking Book 1 Developing Critical Thinking Through Science Book 1 Dr. Funsters Creative Thinking Puzzlers A1 Think Analogies A1
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