Junior Bible Quiz
This is a wonderful program through the Assembly of God church.
Children in grades K-6th participate by memorizing facts about the Bibles on
three different levels. The game is to answer correctly the fastest. Each
church plays as a team and competitions are held monthly. There are local,
state, and national winners and those completing the program can earn a $5000
scholarship. This is a great program that I highly recommend. Contact your
local church today to find out more information on how your child can become
Scheduling My plan is for my children to learn all the 10 point questions in 1st grade. All the 20 point questions in 2nd grade and all the 30 point questions in 4th grade. Each year they will be learning new questions while still being responsible for those that we have learnt in the past. In 3rd grade, we will be learning the order of the books in the bible. A donation is requested for use of these files as well. Thank you! To use these files you will need to purchase the study guide for JBQ.
10 pt questions: Learn 8 questions per week for 36 weeks. There are 288 questions total.
20 pt questions: Learn 6 questions per week for 32 weeks. There are 192 questions total. The remaining 4 weeks review all the 10 and 20 pt. questions. Tests/Review sheets coming in 2008! 30 pt questions: Learn 3 questions per week for 32 weeks. There are 96 questions total. The remaining 4 weeks review all the questions for Junior Bible Quiz. Tests/Review sheets coming in 2009! If possible, join your local JBQ club for a fun way to help with memorization of Bible facts as well as the opportunity to win a scholarship! Royal Rangers This is very similar to Boy Scouts but is Christian oriented. This program is available through most of your local Assembly of God churches. The Royal Rangers program is for boys age K-8th grade. There are activities for boys as young as 18 months through the girl version of this called Missionettes. Boys and girls are in the same class until K. The girls program is for ages K-12.
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