Through Early Elementary
Mole Music
The loudest. Fastest, Best Drummer in Kansas
If I Only Had A Horn - Young Louis Armstrong
The Story of the Incredible Orchestra
The Bat Boy and His Violin
Jazz Fly
Ah, Music!
The Cello of Mr. O
Strange Mr. Satie (A Story of Eric Satie)
Pookie and Tushka Find a Little Piano
Henry the Steinway A Star is Born
The Music Box (A Story of Cristofori)
Henry the Steinway and the Piano Recital
Henry the Steinway Tours The World
The Remarkable Farkle McBride
Our Marching Band
Max Found Two Sticks
M is For Music
M Is For Melody
The Orchestra, The Orchestra
The Musical Life of Gustav Mole
Handel Who Knew What He Liked
The Lost Music
The Flute Player
How Music Came to the World
Maestro Mouse and the Mystery of Missing Baton
Opera Cat
Animal Orchestra
The Animal Orchestra
Scott Gustafson's Animal Orchestra
Jake the Philharmonic Dog
Music Is
John Coltrane's Giant Steps
Jazz Styles
The Farewell Symphony
Meet the Orchestra
The Story of the Orchestra
The Young Person's Guide to the Orchesta
The Heroic Symphony
Tanya and the Magic Wardrobe
Mr. Pipes and the Psalms and Hymns of the Reformation
Berlioz the Bear
First Book of the Recorder