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Writing Notebook



Writing Notebook
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Around Core 2 when their handwriting is well established as is their reading is when I purchased them a spiral bound notebook. We have certain things that I require them to include in this book and they are welcome to add to it at any time.

  1. Memory Verses: I have my son write out this weeks memory verses. It helps him to memorize it and makes me feel better about accomplishing this task as this is one thing I am really bad at following through with. SL occasionally has them learn a longer section over several weeks. I break up the writing so that they are doing a portion each week, adding to it as we progress through the weeks. The heading for the page encompasses the whole section that he is to read. For example: Psalms 24:1-6. Each week for 6 weeks he will add the next part of this verse to his writings.
  2. Vocabulary: SL has vocabulary words for their read alouds, readers, and sometimes even history.  We include this in his notebook. He writes the Title of the book followed by the word "Vocabulary" as the heading for the page. Then he writes the word, looks it up in the dictionary, and copies the meaning. Then he brings it to me and I write the sentence from the book that goes with the vocabulary word. When he gets older I will have him do it on his own. 
  3. Writing: I have him write a very brief narration to go with each story we read. I am thinking of working with him on parts of the story here shortly. So I will write questions for him and he will answer them in his notebook. Who is the main character? Supporting character? What is the setting? Plot? Climax? Conclusion?


Copyright © 2006 Tuscan Sun Academy
Last modified: June 26, 2006