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In The Latin Centered Curriculum, their is a great idea that I have come to love and make part of our school day. I was always wanting a better way to approach our literature readings than what Sonlight gave us. I finally have found it!

The ancient grammar teachers lectured on the literature they taught, explaining references and context -- just as Sonlight Guides have you do but they take it a step further. Asking the following questions:

  • Who is the Author?
  • When did he or she live?
  • Where did he or she live?
  • What do we know about the Author's life?
  • What else did the Author write?

I have my son make an outline in his notebook that we use for copywork. The name of the Author is the title for the page. He dates the page and then copies an outline from our white board into his notebook that we create together. Next -- we look in our timeline book and see where in time our Author lived and the events happening around them at the time. Could these events affect their point of view? Did is shape the story line somehow? Next we look at a map and find out where they live. Sometimes I even print off a map for my son to label. It depends upon his mood.

After introducing the Author, we then turn the page and make a similar outline for our story, asking the following questions:

  • Where and when is it set?
  • Who are the main Characters? 
  • What is the main thrust of the narrative?

After we read the story, I have my son write a brief review of the book.

By preparing for our readings, before actually starting them. We are getting a lot more out of our readings. I hope you will as well!



Copyright © 2006 Tuscan Sun Academy
Last modified: June 26, 2006