Educational Activities
for all ages.
Games History
--lists who has hosted the Olympics and when. Map out the locations. Use a see
through post-it arrow to write the date on and mark it on the map. For more
than one year, just simply add all the dates onto the one arrow. Then you can
play a quiz game using your map and arrows.
Original Olympics by Stewart Ross
Hour of the Olympics (Magic Tree House)
Olympics by Chris Oxlade
Ancient Olympics by Chris Oxlade
Count Your Way Through Greece by Jim Haskins and
Kathleen Benson. Cool book, great illustrations, fairly short text per page
Footsteps in Time: The Greeks by Sally Hewitt. One page on the Olympics, plus a spread on making an
Olympic torch.
I Wonder Why The Greeks Built Temples and other questions about Ancient Greece by Fiona Macdonald.
Here again, only one 2-page spread on the Olympics, but this is just a great book overall. Great questions like "Who
took a shower in a bowl?" and "Why did the Greeks beat their trees?"
There are 8 books in this series covering various history and science topics.
Great introduction books!
How Would You Survive as an Ancient Greek by Fiona Macdonald.
More detailed than the above book, and the illustrations are, umm, yeah, more detailed too. I
Wonder Why has the naked athletes running on the
bottom of the page, so you are seeing them from the waist up. Survive has them full-body, but turned just
enough to not quite see, um, boy parts. It is far more noticeable that they are not wearing clothes. I
still plan to use the book, but figured I better put in the disclaimer!