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Galloping the Globe



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Galloping the Globe


2005-2006: I debated over and over how and when I was going to use GTG. My original thought was to use it on its own for a year. BUT! After receiving GTG and beginning work on a schedule it became apparent to me that this would 1) not fit my teaching style and 2) would not be enough to satisfy Kris for a whole entire year. So I have scratched the above plan and am moving onto Core 1. However, using the Create-a-Calendar from Core K as my guide, we have spent a month studying each country using GTG as our guide for this activity. This has been a perfect fit for our family. We started in August with the introduction section to GTG. The calendar actually starts in September and so that is where our adventure began. This has been wonderful and we have learned so much! I am so glad that I have this resource to use with my son and can't wait for the sequel to come out.


This plan for use with K was a brilliant success and I couldn't be happier with the outcome. No, we did not cover everything in GTG but we did a majority of it and even added in quite a bit of our own things that we discovered at the library. By doing it this way, we covered 1-2 countries a month for 16 months, this took us into Core 1 but it was still great! We added a country not covered in the Create-A-Calendar but in GTG to a short country ie one that did not have a lot of information in GTG or at the library. Kenya is a great example of this.


The questions for the worksheets were taken from the suggestions given from GTG -- just laid out for my sons use. I also added graphics that I found on line. The links were I found the information are also included at the end of the worksheet. Please do not distribute. These are for use with your personal families only. Thank you!


2010-2011: I am planning on using GTG again with all 3 boys and will be adding the Trail Guide to World Geography along with the notebooking pages for this. At this time, the boys will make a comprehensive world geography notebook. Or so ..... that is the plan! : -)


Online Geography  Resources  

Foreign Word translates words from English into other languages. Use to teach your child a few words in the native language of the current country you are studying.


Things To Do For Fun teaches basic expressions in different languages.


Crystal made some passports pages of her own and generously agreed to share them with all of us. There are several pages/styles available. Use which ever one best suites your needs. To print, set your printer to "fill the page" or some other similar option. To complete -- just add blank pages for your "stamps"

Simply Fold -- all info on one page.

Passport Cover -- 2 per page

Front Page  -- goes with the next 3 items

Second Page

Third Page

Last Page


Make Your Own Passport Project.


History of the passport.


Information on Flat Stanley aka Flat Travelers. The Flat Stanley Project is a group of Moms who make their own flat travelers and exchange them with one another as they travel about the globe. Children can participate with the help of their parents.


Check tourism offices in the countries you are planning on "visiting" and request free brochures, maps, videos, posters, etc... Please note that not all offices offer free information by mail but all have excellent websites to view as well. Below is a list of sites I have requested information from. Look for more countries soon.

Travel information allows you to order 25 free brochures per family


Tourist Board lists websites for various countries. You may or may not be able to order free information from these sites. Check each one to see which you can and cannot.


Lisa's Freebies has links to request travel brochures and other information for 48 of the states.


Holiday Road has links to request free information on all 50 states and all the providences of Canada.

India    Ireland     Italy       Jamaica       Japan     Panama

Travel Japan       Jordan       Kenya         South Korea     Israel

Lebanon    Lithuania     New Zealand      Australia      Singapore

Western Australia       Southern Australia    Malaysia     Turkey

Thailand     China   Philippines


Kratt's Creatures has a handful of animals and information for each continent.


Unforgettable Language has free demos available for various language courses.


The Dutch Twins is a story about Holland that you can read for free online.


Enchanted Learning has a lot of free printable worksheets, games, books, activities, and more for not only geography but other subjects as well. You will be amazed at what you can find here.


Geosense is an online game that tests your geography knowledge.


Find out the Exchange Rate for your country.


Holland information page states that Holland is actually part of the Netherlands. You can read about this and more here.


World Atlas is available online for free. Countries are divided by region and Continent.


World Tales here you can see folk tales, myths and legends from around the world, brought to life by twenty Australian animators that you can view online for free.


Link has a monthly newsletter spotlighting a different country and people who live there or are missionaries to that country. You can order there free newsletter here.


National Anthems has maps, words, and music for all 192 countries National Anthems. Would be great for use with GTG or when doing a study on the Olympics.


Birthdays Around The World has information on how birthdays are celebrated in various countries.


Words and Music for This Is My Father's World.


Online World has information about various places you will travel to while using GTG.


CIA World Fact Book -- updates daily; information on statistics for each country.


Zoom Activities -- check this out for craft ideas.


Montessori Materials has printable geography and cultural materials for free.


Scholastic has a variety of things available. Just click on PK-2 and then look under social studies for lesson plans on a variety of topics that all relate to GTG.


Native Costumes has costumes you can print out and make from various countries around the world. Click on buildings, kids, or animals for other printables from around the world or click on science for a map of the world time zones and globes.


Your Child learns has a world map that is printable on several sheets of paper then you can piece them together however you choose. You can make a 1 page map or a 64 page one that is 8' by 8' in size!! There is a lot you can do with this. Just be creative. Try having your children ride stick ponies and gallop to the country using clues you give. This would be a great review exercise. OR search online for clip art representing the various countries, shrink to fit onto your map, and glue on. Or use old travel magazines (ask your local travel company if you can have their old ones for free), cut out the pictures and glue where appropriate.

Ideas by Region  

CHINA:    Origami   Various Activities   Panda Camera  Jaegi   Obtain a Chinese Name   Listen to Chinese   3D Animals of Asia    Animals Book   Chinese Red Envelopes


JAPAN:   Haiku Poetry     Various Activities  Make A Book   Koinobori


AFRICA:     Adinkra Stamps  Animals Book     Various Activities  Senufo Mud Painting


BRAZIL:   Various Activities  


GREAT BRITAIN:   Various Activities   English Crackers


AUSTRALIA:  Animals Book   Various Activities


CANADA:    Various Activities   Animals Book


ARTIC:  Animals Book


MEXICO:   Cascarones    Various Activities   Papel Picado


USA:    Various Activities   US Flag Book


ANTARCTICA:       Various Activities


NEW ZEALAND:  Science Expedition



Play Simon Says using map directions.

Make 7 Continents Book

Make Flags of the World Book



Find/mark the following items on each map of the country: rivers, capital, mountain ranges, special geographical features (peninsula, bay, etc)


Other Geography  Resources

Below is a list of additional books and other resources, collected from various resources that may also be of benefit to you geography studies. I have not used all of these.


National Geographic Cards - these were 3.99 at Target, they are flashcards with beautiful photos on one side and details on the other.  There are buildings, monuments, landscapes.


The Great Race  -- a maze book by Love to Learn


My First Picture Atlas


  Children Just Like Me Celebrations -- Sequel to the book recommended in GTG. I love this book!!


  Children from Australia to Zimbabwe (A photographic Journey around the world) by Maya Ajmera & Anna Rhesa Versola


North, South, East, and West by Franklyn M. Branley


  Usborne Puzzle Journey Around the World


  You Can Use A Compass


  Heroes for God by Katie and Dan Montgomery


Explorers for God by Katie and Dan Montgomery


Usborne Great World Tour


  Usborne Peoples of the World (Internet Linked) -- another great book that my children have enjoyed!


Usborne Children's World Cookbook -- colorful illustrations with easy to make recipes. This one has been fun to eat through as well!


  Geography from A to Z (A Picture Glossary) by Jack Knowlton - explains things like the difference between marsh and bog, defines palisade and peninsula


  Maps and Globes by Jack Knowlton Note: This is part of Sonlight's Core 2.


Hidden Pictures across the USA 


  Around the World Mystery Mazes by Roger Moreau


Race Around the World by David Gantz


  Around the World with Phineas Frog (A Geographical Puzzle) by Paul S. Adshead


  Where will Nana Go Next (An illustrated tour of 19 places to go and things to do across America and the World) by D. J. Frienz


  Miranda the Explorer (A magical round-the-world adventure) by James Mayhew


  Gigi and Zachary's Around-the-world Adventure (A Seek-and-find game) by Gilles Eduar


  Somewhere in the World Right Now by Stacey Schuett


Zorah's Magic Carpet by Stefan Czernecki


  The Great Treasure Hunt by David Anson Russo


  Grandma went to Market by Stella Blackstone


Henry's World Tour by Robert M. Quackenbush


  Hero Tales Volumes 1-4 Volume 1 is part of Core K History. My son really enjoyed this book. But this is one of those love it or hate it type books.


  The Children's Book of America by William Bennett I love books by this author! The pictures are beautiful and the values and morals that he brings along in this book are hard to find else where. Note: This book is part of Janet's extras for PK.

Picture Book of the U.S.A. by Beth Goodman
  Red, White & Blue: Story of the American Flag by John Herman


  America, A Patriotic Primer by Lynne Cheney

  Hail to the Chief by Don Robb

  So You Want to Be President? by Judith St. George

  Wee Sing America Note: This part of Core 4 History.


Aunt Dot's Incredible Adventure Atlas by Eljay Yildrim


Piggly Wiggly around the world by Christyan Fox


  America the Beautiful by Wendell Minor (I heard there are other similar books by the same title by other authors)


  P is for Passport  Takes you around the globe. Check out the website for a free downloadable lesson plan for use with this book and others in this series. There is one for each state and for several other countries.  Very colorful. 1 thing per region per letter of the alphabet. Great for even your youngest child!


    It's Disgusting and I ate! Strange foods people eat around the world. My son thought it was gross and hilarious! A great book for little kids and boys!


You Can Change the World, Vol. 1 and  Vol. 2 By Daphne Spraggett with Jill Johnstone -- These books are basically the Children's Version of Operation World.  


Learning to Pray for People Around the World By Daphne Spraggett with Jill Johnstone -- These books are basically the Children's Version of Operation World.


  Yo, Millard Fillmore by Will Cleveland

  Yo, Sacramento
by Will Cleveland

Animal Stencils

The Global Puzzle, The Animal Global Puzzle, The Global Puzzle Jr. I suggest getting the Jr. version for early elementary students. The original version of this is very difficult to use but you will have excellent geography skills when done but I suggest waiting until your child is at least mid-upper elementary level before providing them with this challenge but it would be great for the parents! : -) One tip I got was after you - the parent put it together first - take a Ziploc bag and put all the continent pieces in it. 1 for each continent and then put the pieces and bags back in the box. This way your child can learn and study 1 continent at a time. This idea would work well with the Trail Guide to World Geography Study!

Rice by Sylvia A. Johnson -- use with Asian Countries.

Literature Based Multicultural Units from Evan-Moor Publishing.

  Draw Write Now I love the looks of this series but it is better for a child with a good grasp of his writing skills. I would say at the 2nd grade plus level. My son was just not ready for this book prior to that.

  The Scrambled States of America by Laurie Keller. Also available on video and as a game. This book is a fun introduction to the states!

Vendela in Venice by Christina Bjork

  The Children of Noisy Village by Astrid Lindgren

  The Family Under the Bridge by Natalie Savage Carlson Note: This is a Core K Read Aloud.  This book contains mature topics ... mainly homelessness and hunger. Make sure you are ready to discuss these topics openly with your child prior to reading this book.

Red Sails to Capri by Ann Weil  Note: This is a Core 2 Read Aloud.

  The Wheel on the School by Meinhart de Jong Note: This is a Core 1 Read Aloud. My kids loved this book! It had a lot of information that you could use to teach your children about planning. Coming up with an idea or finding a solution to a problem. Figuring out how to make your plan a reality and implementing it. Seeing the results of your work. Perseverance. All of these are great lessons you can walk away with after reading this book.

My Own Little World  by Patricia Frakes

Audio Memory's Geography Songs Note: This is part of Core 2 History.

Audio Memory's States and Capitals Songs

Around the World Art & Activities: Visiting the & continents through craft and fun!


   On the Mayflower by Kate Waters This makes a great book to read before Thanksgiving. For more books for Thanksgiving see my holiday page.


Sarah Morton's Day by Kate Waters. This makes a great book to read before Thanksgiving. For more books for Thanksgiving see my holiday page.


  Samuel Eaton's Day by Kate Waters This makes a great book to read before Thanksgiving. For more books for Thanksgiving see my holiday page.


Squanto and the Miracle of Thanksgiving by Eric Metaxes This makes a great book to read before Thanksgiving. For more books for Thanksgiving see my holiday page.


As the Crow Flies: A First Book About Maps by Gail Hartman

  Mapping Penny's World by Loreen Leedy

Our Big Home: An Earth Poem by Linda Glaser

  There's A Map In My Lap! by Tish Rabe

  Whoever You Are by Mem Fox

Henry's World Tour by Robert Quackenbush

  Me on the Map by Joan Sweeney.  Gives a very basic introduction for the PK child. I love all the books in this series. They are an excellent introduction to some tough concepts.


  Uncle Josh's Outline Maps CD-Rom


  If You Sailed On the Mayflower in 1620 by Ann McGovern. This makes a great book to read before Thanksgiving. For more books for Thanksgiving see my holiday page.

  Around the World in Eighty Poems selected by James Berry

ALSO -- watch for upcoming events in your area that will further enhance and correlate with your studies.



Worksheets for Notebook


Here are some of the GTG worksheets that I have created for use with my son. I have a few others as well... I am just trying to locate what disk that they are all on. Please be patient as I find these and get them posted.
I am using the honor system with these documents. A suggested donation of $10 to help support this website is appreciated. Thank you!  


Sample Schedule

Sample Schedule Checklist

China - Ducks Worksheet

China Information Worksheet

China Pandas

China Sloth Bears  

China Vocabulary

Ellis Island

India Chevrotains

India Elephants

India Tigers

India Vocabulary

India Water Buffalo  

Introduction Butterflies

Introduction Ice Cream Ants

Introduction Insects

Introduction Vocabulary

South Korea Barbecued Beef

Japan Vocabulary

Israel Vocabulary

Israel Donkeys

Russia Bears

Russia Wolves

Russia Vocabulary

Russia Pretzels

Italy Vocabulary

Italy Astronomy Vocabulary

Great Britain Sheep

Great Britain Vocabulary

France Type of Trees

France Trees

with MORE coming soon!




Copyright © 2006 Tuscan Sun Academy
Last modified: June 26, 2006