is a list of books about Arizona. I have not read all of these -- they have just come
as suggestions to me. Please pre-read to make sure they are appropriate for your
children. Books that I have read -- have comments next to them. If you know of some others -- please share them!
Thanks!! : -)
G is for Grand Canyon
This is a great book! For younger children, just read what each letter is for
(this is an ABC type book). For older children, the detail about each item is
incredible. I think this book should be found in every home for families in AZ.
One Small Square: Cactus Desert Not about AZ in
particular but a great book to use to study more about where we live.
If You Lived With the Hopi Indians
Arizona by Blashfield
Arizona by Heinrichs
The Silliest Shapes and Colors Book in the Wild West This is a cute book
and intended for PK to early elementary age children.
The Best Counting Book in the Wild West This is a cute book and intended
for PK to early elementary age children.
The Best Alphabet Book in the Wild West This is a cute book and intended
for PK to early elementary age children.
This Place is Dry by Cobb, Vikkie
My Great Aunt Arizona
One Day in the Desert
The Same Sun Was in the Sky
Look Who Lives in the Desert
The Desert
Big Moon Tortilla
Is My Friend at Home?: Pueblo Fireside Tales
Grand Canyon by Minor, Wendell
Tuesday in Arizona
Saguaro Moon
Kate Heads West
Into Wild Arizona
Apache Pass
Arizona Color and Do
Arizona Fun Book
Arizona A to Z
Sonoran Desert A to Z Coloring Book
The Year of the Ranch
The Good Rainbow Road
The Arizona Coloring Book
Head Over Heels About Arizona
Harvesting Hope: The Story of Cesar Chavez
Arizona Charlie and the Klondike Kid
RC Gorman Navajo Artist
Arizona by Murray, Julie
The Magic Hummingbird